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Cloud Computing Transforms Businesses

The transformative power of cloud computing

Your business is already benefitting from the cloud and the SaaS (Software as a Service) offerings it enables. It could probably be benefitting more Much like the meteorological phenomenon, it’s named after, there’s something fuzzy about the cloud. Many people don’t differentiate between ‘the Internet’ and ‘the cloud’. Even more tech-savvy individuals – who are

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True SAAS software means real commitment, long term, to an outstanding fit-for-purpose product built from the ground up.

You don’t need a computer science degree to work out if your SaaS provider is overcharging and underdelivering While I can’t pretend to be a disinterested party, this article is a sincere attempt to educate non-techie venue and event managers. In the long run, my industry doesn’t benefit from customers wasting lots of time and

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If your event-management SaaS contains inadequate tech, you’re paying the price

Most people in the venue-and-event-management industry don’t have the expertise or bandwidth to get into the weeds when examining the tech stack of their software provider. That’s understandable but unfortunate because software that’s reliant on legacy or generic technology (as opposed to a cutting-edge tech stack built from the ground up) is inefficient, difficult to

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What is SAAS 2.0?

I often discuss the Vision of Event Hub to be like “Cloud version 2.0”. I was sent the article below recently which describes this proposition very well. From a company that invests in SAAS technologies. A post-“Salesforce.com” approach. SAAS 2.0 is the development of cloud software from tools like salesforce.com or large CRMs – also

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APIs vs. Webhooks: Which Is Better for Your Business? In today’s hyperconnected market, application programming interfaces (APIs) are considered a best practice for businesses who want to achieve data visibility and quickly scale their tech stacks. That’s because APIs offer multiple benefits for companies and IT teams of all sizes. Not only are they pre-packaged

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Its Tough To Move - BUT YOU NEED TO.

Yes, it’s hard to move mission-critical-systems.

Event Hub completely understands it’s a big decision and hard work to change an in-use mission-critical system. Maybe as hard as it’s taken us to build one 🙂 The major issue may be one of Risk – the risk to move from a working system can be large. That’s undoubted. Event Hub has can provide

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How Event Hub can – and can’t – assist you in your new tech Journey.

If your business uses legacy tech, there’s only so much we can do The Event Hub team is happy to assist its customers. But, be warned, trying to integrate 2022 technology with a system created in 2012 will probably end in tears (byline) Scott Hyde, Event Hub co-founder (copy) What I’m about to convey might

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SaaS and the sunk cost fallacy

Don’t throw good money after bad on suboptimal software Reversing a suboptimal business decision is rarely cost or pain free. But not rethinking a bad call is likely to be more expensive and unpleasant in the long term Scott Hyde, Event Hub co-founder Imagine that, in early 2007, you bought a Blackberry Pearl 8100. Chances

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