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developed by the team at cloudchain.io
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If you are a registered charity we will provide EventHub heavily discounted.

We are proud we have helped charities like these below:

“Dear Scott and Hannah,

It’s definitely overdue but I wanted to take a moment to thank you again for your support of the Big Freeze. Once again the Big Freeze campaign has been a great success and on behalf of the entire team at FightMND, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your contribution to the campaign. This year we raised a record $19.8 million. This achievement is due to fantastic support from people like you and we were grateful to have the use of the Event Hub software, particularly for the distribution of our tickets (of which there were many!). I would also like to thank you both for being on hand to train, guide and provide assistance when we went astray or just weren’t quite sure what we were doing. We were certainly grateful! The funds we have raised will be injected into vital MND research almost immediately, with the next round of research grants to be funded in mid-September. The progress of our fight in research laboratories around the world, which now includes 12 clinical trials and 22 drug development projects, is made possible by your ongoing and greatly appreciated support. Without your support we could not continue our quest to beat the Beast that is MND.

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